Monday, July 9, 2012

Babywearing with the Rhino Cruiser, part 2

I had posted earlier that the Ergo carrier worked well with the Rhino.  I've worn Annabelle in it a few times with her brace, and she sometimes will tolerate it, and other times won't.  It's really touch and go.  It's not quite wide enough for her leg span, and I think it sometimes cuts into her legs and makes her uncomfortable.

I found my ring sling, and decided to try her in that.  It's not the ideal carrier for long term wearing, but it worked well with her brace, I used a hip carry similar to how I carried Charlotte when she was ~10 months old.  Annabelle did well in it - I think we'll try this one again!

It's a double-layer Solarveil ring sling from Baby So Smart.  The lint is courtesy of me washing it with a load of towels and accidentally drying it.  This sling is awesome, I bought it for Charlotte specifically to wear her in the pool or shower.  You can scrub a baby right through the fabric with soap!  It also has some UV protection.  :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

our new normal and the answers to some FAQ

I haven't posted for awhile, but there's not much to update!

The last five weeks have been great.  Annabelle is doing fantastic, and we don't really seem to mind her brace at all.  SHE doesn't seem to mind her brace at all.  It's our new normal.  Baby in a brace.  We get some stares occasionally, and I'm always happy to answer questions for the curious minds.

happy girl
We've even managed to fit her in an exersaucer with her brace on, and she loves being in it.  (I doublechecked with the Dr to make sure it was okay, and they said sure!)  She's all about putting everything in her mouth, so having lots of toys at arm's reach is a plus for her :)
dangly legs!


I've had a lot of questions asking after little Annabelle, so I figured I'd make a mass answer:

our tiny girl on the fourth of July
She is doing great.  We are weaning out of her brace, she is allowed out four hours a day, and she loves being out of it.  She is still a bit behind on tummy time stuff, as she still doesn't tolerate it well, but we're catching up!  :)

She *did* go in for her surgery, but while under the general anesthesia, they were unable to put her hip in place.  She will have open surgery in October after she is 6 months old (the Dr won't do the open surgery on younger babies) and they will clean out the hip joint, manually reduce her hip, and cast it there for six weeks.  That *should* be her last surgery.

In the meantime, she is in her brace to keep her left hip stabilized, and provided it stays in place, she will only have surgery on her right hip, however, the nature of the spica cast is to cast both hips.