Lately Annabelle hasn't been sleeping as well as she used to - she's always been a pretty awesome sleeper. My little adventurer has also been taking her brace off herself! I've tried to put it on under clothing to make it more difficult for her - but overall, it's just not going as well as it had been.
The last time we saw Dr Olney, he had said we would keep her in the brace at night as long as she was tolerating it - which we felt she no longer was.
I emailed Dr Olney's nurse today, and mentioned she wasn't sleeping as well, and was taking it off, and she said .... we can go without the brace!!!!!!!!!
We have another appointment next month with Dr Olney, so we'll see how she's doing without the brace on.
I can't believe this journey we've been on for 19 months is changing courses. I just pray her hip continues to develop and heal as we've been hoping.