our story

We welcomed our second daughter Annabelle on February 18, 2012, a week before her due date. That same day, the pediatrician felt a click in her right hip ...

... it was never felt again. An x-ray the same day showed nothing, so we weren't too concerned. We had a follow-up ultrasound when she was 6 weeks old, and it showed that *BOTH* of her hips are dislocated. (a condition called Develomental Dysplasia of the Hip or DDH)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Nil per os.
Nothing by mouth.

Fortunately for the tiniest of patients this is only for a few hours rather than 'after midnight'.

Annabelle was able to have food/formula (which she has never had) until 1:30, she was able to nurse until 2am.  She could have clear liquids (a.k.a. Pedialyte) until 4am.  So... NPO after 4am for a 7:30 surgery doesn't seem so terrible.

I had set my alarm for 1:30 to wake and nurse her, but she woke on her own around 1.  About 2:15 she woke up screaming.  After about 20 minutes of inconsolable baby we determined she was gassy and gave her some gas drops.  A few huge burps later, she fell asleep on my shoulder at about 3am.  I snuggled with her in bed for about 10 minutes and was finally able to get her to take some Pedialyte, although she only took 2.5 ounces.  I was hoping she'd take more so that she'd be a little happier this morning before her surgery, but she passed out hard after that :)
I'm listening to her tiny snoring right now and praying hard. 

Here we go ...

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