our story

We welcomed our second daughter Annabelle on February 18, 2012, a week before her due date. That same day, the pediatrician felt a click in her right hip ...

... it was never felt again. An x-ray the same day showed nothing, so we weren't too concerned. We had a follow-up ultrasound when she was 6 weeks old, and it showed that *BOTH* of her hips are dislocated. (a condition called Develomental Dysplasia of the Hip or DDH)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Babywearing with the Rhino Cruiser

When I was pregnant with our oldest daughter Charlotte, I *knew* I wanted a Baby Bjorn carrier. I heavily researched all products we registered for/purchased, and learned that BB style carriers were not ideal for babies hips. (There is data out there that supports both sides of the argument, but after reading enough information, I decided that the BB style carrier was not for me.)
When Charlotte was 10months old, I bought an Ergo carrier that allows babies to sit instead of dangle while being worn. This style carrier is preferred by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute to promote healthy hips.

When we learned about Annabelle's hip dysplasia, I was ***SOOO*** happy that we already had a carrier that would work well with her hips. I have the infant insert, and I used that with her before she went into her PH, but afterwards, she didn't fit well with the insert. I tried wearing her once when she was in her PH just in the carrier, not with the insert, and she was too little, it was uncomfortable for her.

I tried her again about a week ago in her Rhino cruiser, and she tolerated it well for a short amt of time. She was chewing on the straps, so I got some strap covers to protect the carrier. Yesterday, we went to a soccer game, and she was in the carrier for about an hour and tolerated it well. Afterwards, she didn't really like it. I think it pushes her legs out further than they would normally be... she still only weighs about 12.5lbs at 14 weeks old.

It's the best option we have at this stage, though. I actually think a BB style carrier might work better, because they tend to be tapered out at the bottom. My friend has one that we're going to borrow when Annabelle is in her spica cast, I'll have to try it out.

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